
KiiBank’s Buyer Protection Program

KiiBank’s Buyer Protection Program

Last Updated: May 1, 2024

When you buy something from a seller who accepts KiiBank, you may be eligible for a refund under KiiBank's Buyer Protection program, which terms and conditions are set forth herein and form part of the user agreement. When applicable, KiiBank's Buyer Protection program entitles you to reimbursement for the full purchase price of the item plus the original shipping costs you paid, if any. KiiBank determines, in its sole discretion, whether your claim is eligible for the Buyer Protection program based on the eligibility requirements, any information or documentation provided during the resolution process, or any other information KiiBank deems relevant and appropriate under the circumstances. KiiBank's original determination is considered final, but you may be able to file an appeal of the decision with KiiBank if you have new or compelling information not available at the time of the original determination or you believe there was an error in the decision-making process.

IMPORTANT: You may be required to return the item to the seller or other party we specify as part of the settlement of your claim. KiiBank's Buyer Protection program does not entitle you to reimbursement for the return shipping costs that you may incur.

KiiBank's Buyer Protection program may apply when you encounter these specific problems with a transaction:

You didn't receive your item from a seller (referred to as an "Item Not Received" claim), or You received an item, but the item isn't what you ordered (referred to as a "Significantly Not as Described" claim).

If you believe that a transaction made through your KiiBank account was not authorised by you, this type of claim is different from the Buyer Protection program, and is described below under Liability for Unauthorised Transactions.

Item Not Received claims

Your claim will not qualify for a refund under KiiBank’s Buyer Protection program for an Item Not Received claim if:

You collect the item in person, or arrange for it to be collected on your behalf, including if you use KiiBank in a seller’s store location, or The seller has provided proof of shipment or proof of delivery.

If the seller presents evidence that they delivered the goods to your address, KiiBank may find in favour of the seller for an Item Not Received claim even if you claim you did not receive the goods.

Significantly Not As Described claims

An item may be considered Significantly Not as Described if:

The item is materially different from the seller's description of it.

You received a completely different item.

The condition of the item was misrepresented. For example, the item was described as "new" but the item was used.

The item was advertised as authentic but is not authentic (i.e. it is counterfeit).

The item is missing major parts or features and those facts were not disclosed in the description of the item when you bought it.

You purchased a certain number of items but didn't receive them all.

The item was materially damaged during shipment.

The item is unusable in its received state and was not disclosed as such.

An item may not be considered Significantly Not as Described if:

The item is materially similar to the seller's description of it.

The defect in the item was correctly described by the seller in its description of the item.

The item was properly described but you didn't want it after you received it.

The item was properly described but did not meet your expectations.

The item has minor scratches and was described as "used."

Ineligible Items and Transactions

The following items or transactions are not eligible for KiiBank’s Buyer Protection program:

Real estate, including residential property Vehicles, including, but not limited to, motor vehicles, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, aircraft and boats, except for personally portable light vehicles used for recreational purposes like bicycles and wheeled hoverboards Businesses (when you buy or invest in a business) Industrial machinery used in manufacturing Payments that are equivalent to cash, including stored value items such as gift cards and pre-paid cards Payments made in respect of gold (whether in physical form or exchange-traded form) Financial products or investments of any kind Gambling, gaming, and/or any other activities with an entry fee and a prize Donations, including payments on crowdfunding platforms as well as payments made on crowdlending platforms Payments to a state-run body (except for state-owned enterprises), government agencies or third-parties acting on behalf of state-run bodies or government agencies Payments to any bill payment service Significantly Not as Described claims for wholly or partly custom-made items Item Not Received claims for physical, tangible items you collect in person or arrange to be collected on your behalf. This includes items bought in a seller's store location, except if you paid for the transaction in-person using KiiBank’s goods and services QR code Anything prohibited by KiiBank's Acceptable Use Policy Personal payments, including payments sent using KiiBank’s friends and family functionality Payments that you have not sent using your KiiBank account Items intended for resale, including single item transactions or transactions that include multiple items

Transaction eligibility for KiiBank's Buyer Protection program

To be eligible for KiiBank's Buyer Protection you must meet all of the following requirements:

Have a KiiBank account in good standing.

Pay for the eligible item from your KiiBank account.

Attempt to contact the seller to resolve your issue directly before filing a claim under KiiBank’s Purchase Protection through the Resolution Center.

Respond to KiiBank's request for documentation and other information within the time requested.

Not have received a recovery or agreed to an alternative resolution related to your purchase from another source.

Online dispute resolution process

If you're unable to resolve a transaction related issue directly with a seller, you must contact us via your in-App messenger to pursue a claim under our Buyer Protection program. You may also file a claim (Step 2 below) by calling us and speaking to an agent. The steps you must follow are described below, and if you do not follow these steps your claim may be denied:

Step 1: Open a dispute within 180 days of the date you made the payment. This might allow you to start a direct conversation with the seller regarding your issue with the transaction that may help resolve the dispute. If you are unable to resolve the dispute directly with the seller, proceed to Step 2. We will place a hold on all funds related to the transaction in the seller's KiiBank account until the dispute is resolved or closed.

Step 2: Escalate the dispute to a claim for reimbursement within 20 days after opening the dispute, if you and the seller are unable to come to an agreement, or we will automatically close the dispute. You can escalate the dispute to a claim for reimbursement by contacting us. The seller or KiiBank may also escalate the dispute to a claim at this point. KiiBank may ask you to wait at least 7 days from the transaction date to escalate the dispute.

Step 3: Respond to KiiBank's requests for documentation or other information, after you, the seller or KiiBank escalates your dispute to a claim for reimbursement. KiiBank may require you to provide receipts, third party evaluations, police reports or other documents that KiiBank specifies. You must respond to these requests in a timely manner as requested in our correspondence with you.

Step 4: Comply with KiiBank's shipping requests in a timely manner, if you're filing a Significantly Not as Described claim. KiiBank may require you, at your expense, to ship the item back to the seller, to KiiBank or to a third party (which will be specified by KiiBank) and to provide proof of delivery.

Proof of delivery means:

For transactions that total less than $750 USD (or the equivalent currency), confirmation that can be viewed online and includes the delivery address showing at least city/ or postal code, delivery date, and the identity of the shipping company you used.

For transactions that total $750 USD (or the equivalent currency) or more, you must provide signature confirmation of delivery.

Step 5: KiiBank will make a final decision (including automatically closing any dispute or claim), in its sole discretion, based on the eligibility requirements set forth above, any additional information provided during the online dispute resolution process or any other information KiiBank deems relevant and appropriate under the circumstances.

In the event that KiiBank makes a final decision in favour of the buyer or seller, each party must comply with KiiBank's decision.

If KiiBank finds in favour of a buyer, KiiBank will reimburse the buyer for the full purchase price of the item and original shipping costs.

In a seller loses a claim, the seller will not receive a refund on the KiiBank fees associated with the transaction.

If a seller loses a Significantly Not as Described claim due to the item sold being counterfeit, the seller will be required to provide a full refund to the buyer and you will not receive the item back.

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